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Latest Community News.

Repaving  and Traffic Calming Project - October 2019:

Stage 1 of the repaving begins today. Crews will be out repairing curbs and sidewalks to meet ADA compliance. For the granite curbing, they will reposition and possibly replacing sections. This will continue for a few more weeks.

The milling and repaving will begin after stage 1. You will receive notifications a few days prior to the repaving that will provide details for your street. No cars or other items can be left on the street during the milling or repaving work schedule which is estimated to be of 1 to 3 days.


Traffic Calming treatments on Idlewild including 3 raised intersections likely will create some detours and temporary road closures. The median additions to Roberta Circle may require temporary road closures or detours.

The Lake Roberta drain and trash receptor replacement at Clifton from Nebraska near the median has been moved up to coincide with this project.


As always, weather will decide how fast or how slow the project will take. The HTCA will update you as we receive them. Please understand that until the city signs off on completion, some areas may not look finished. If you see something and not sure, you can email us at and we will try to find out. A good example was the stump grinding and the delay in removing the mulch. The HTCA was able to relay this concern and the mulch was removed.


Lake Roberta Dredging Project Oct 2019: The project should be complete by end of October.  The city will be responsible for maintaining the lake quality including monitoring lake plant growth and removal as needed. We are still encouraged to do our part to keep the lake clean as well and we will through our KTBB efforts and by neighbors who just do their part.


Hep Our Neighborhood to Rebuild the Median Sign and Lighting:  The HTCA on August 30, 2019 applied for the Hillsborough Mini Grant to help restore the sign, improve lighting and landscaping. Since July 2015 through generous donations by our neighbors and the HTCA, we have repaired and kept the lights working; maintained the landscaping with help from the city; and decorated the sign at Christmas. In all, nearly #3,500 has been spent.   We are anxiously awaiting approval from the City so the neighborhood can replace the sign with a significant portion of the funding coming from the grant, if awarded.  You can help to by donating today!




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